Watched The Great Gatsby alone yesterday, achievement unlocked.
Absolutly love the movie, i cant even.... sigh.. this movie.. ten thumbs up.
Bought th book about a year ago and haven't got around t reading it.
But im gna start reading it later when i get home.
Quite bummed that i didnt finish th book first bfore i watch th movie, :(
Andddd i watched Star Trek into the darkness th day before yesterday,
a movie that i never thought i would watch, but mannnn it was good.
&FF6 tmrwzz.
So many more good movies thats coming out in th theatres, stokedddd.
Hangover III, Despicable Me 2, Man of Steel, The Great Expectations, Grown Ups 2, Thor, 300 Rise of an Empire, Monsters University and im sure i missed out some. But whee haha ok bye.