Gardens by th bay.
Never thought i would hav went there. Had no interest in that place.
Because one, plants equals insects. Insects and i dont go together really well.
Two, i dont like being under th sun w Singapore's hot and humid weather.
But Jayant and i both never visited that place and were bored, so we thought we give it a go,
at sundown. &we only went into th flower dome and supertree groove bcus th rest was closed.
It was boring, lol sorry.
Only 3 things in th flower dome caught my eye.
A tree that look like it came out of a lion king's movie.
&Cactus haha, bcus i've never seen such a big one in real life before and bcus Ryan Higa keeps talking about them in his videos haha.
Wont go back into th flower dome, but, im interested t go up th ocbc skywalk.
Maybe another time, during sunset